Orange You Glad It’s Sweater WeatherOrange You Glad It’s Sweater Weather

Orange You Glad It’s Sweater Weather

I was never a fan of wearing orange. Until now.
“To channel orange is to truly be free, to be you”
– Frank Ocean

Red Fit & Flare Swing dressRed Fit & Flare Swing dress

Red Fit & Flare Swing dress

“There is a shade of red for every woman”
– Audrey Hepburn

Holiday Looks in Every Color (Part 1)

Holiday Looks in Every Color (Part 1)

Real life isn’t black and white so why not live it colorfully? Holiday looks don’t have to be limited to red and green. Explore some more colorful options.

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to My Blog

I finally did it! I started a blog. In all honesty, that’s a sentence I didn’t think I would ever write. But when you’ve been stuck at home in the middle of a pandemic, things happen. Let me give you a quick rundown of how this manifested.