Everything is a learning experience, and knowing that I have made an effort is more important to me than whether or not it was a success.
Hey there! Welcome to my blog! In all honesty, that’s a sentence I didn’t think I would ever write. For one, when I made my Bottled Up Glam instagram account a few years ago, I had zero intention of starting a blog or creating any kind of influential material. It was just a very casual account where I could post “photoshoot” pictures of myself without inundating my friends on my personal account with something they probably didn’t care to see my vanity. I’m also so self-conscious about posting, that sometimes it takes me up to two years to post a picture!
Secondly, I HAVE been wanting to make a website for myself for years. I’m an artist (in the loosest sense) and a creative at heart, and I wanted to have a place where I could curate and keep track of everything I’ve ever made or created in my life. However, my oeuvre ranges from videos and films, to clothes and costumes, leatherwork, makeup, graphic design, and other crafts and DIYs, that the task of building a portfolio of all my work became much too daunting. There were so many instances where I gave up before I even started. And get this, I’ve been paying for a website for SEVEN years, and I never did anything with it!

However, since this whole pandemic began, and being in quarantine now for NINE MONTHS(?!), I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on life and reevaluate some of the goals I’ve made, and even create new ones. I thought, “Hey, I have this thing, yea it’s really casual right now, but maybe I can make it something more. Maybe I can give it more meaning and purpose.” So that’s what I’m going to try to do with this blog. Is it the website I had originally wanted? No. In fact, it’s going in a much different direction than that. Does it mean I’m a blogger now? Eh, hard to say. But do I have all the tools in place to try something new? Absolutely.
If it goes somewhere, great! If it doesn’t, no sweat. I don’t care if nobody ever sees this or reads this. All I can say is that I tried, and I’m not going to be mad at myself for that. I have failed at so many things in the past, but for me, as cliche as it sounds, it has always been more about the journey than the destination. Everything is a learning experience, and knowing that I have made an effort is more important to me than whether or not it was a success.
So I invite you to come along with me on this adventure as I try to navigate this new endeavor.

What do you think?